Family Quotes in Dark Places

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I don't want to go home. I need to find my son." (17.6)

Despite all the terrible things we hear about Patty in the first half of the book, the majority of her chapters in the later half of the book revolve around her trying to find Ben and help him. She may be unable to manage many aspects of family life, but she loves and tries to protect them in the best way she can.

Quote #8

"You remember your son, right, this is your son, isn't it, Runner?" (23.19)

Runner Day is such a deadbeat, he doesn't even remember his own son. Runner blames it on the hair color, but you should probably recognize your own offspring despite any hair dye, right?

Quote #9

"Runner, it's Libby. Your daughter." (24.19)

This scene recalls the one from the previous chapter and confirms our belief that Runner is a loser. He doesn't recognize his own daughter, either—but he has no problem asking her for money.