Family Quotes in Dark Places

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Still [Ben] was expected to turn over half his paycheck to his mom. Families share. Yeah? Well, parents take care of their children, how about that one? How about not squirting out three more kids when you could barely afford the first one? (4.10)

Ben is bitter and angry toward his mother, but can you blame him? He has a point here. The Days wouldn't be in over their heads if they didn't have so many mouths to feed.

Quote #5

So I was going to meet my brother, all grown up. (8.1)

Libby visiting Ben in jail is like when the Rugrats were All Grow'd Up, except somehow creepier. Phil and Lil reunited in prison, anyone?

Quote #6

"God, you look just like Mom." (8.28)

This is the first Libby learns of her family resemblance. She doesn't speak to Aunt Diane anymore, and everyone else is dead. Libby being Libby, this doesn't warm her heart, but she does realize she can use the resemblance to her advantage. Reminding people of her mother makes people more likely to open up to her.