Cymbeline, King of Britain Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #10

First, she confessed she never loved you, only
Affected greatness got by you, not you;
Married your royalty, was wife to your place,
Abhorred your person. (5.5.45-48)

Cornelius is like: "Your wife was totally a gold-digger." The Queen herself has admitted to going after Cymbeline only for his money and his power. Ouch. We like the way Cymbeline and the Queen's marriage contrasts with Imogen and Posthumus's, which isn't about wealth or power at all (in fact, Imogen and Posthumus seem to be okay with doing without wealth and power at all, as long as they can be together). Too bad Cymbeline couldn't see that earlier, but hindsight is 20/20, we suppose.