Cymbeline, King of Britain Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #4

Still, I swear I love you.
If you but said so, 'twere as deep with me.
If you swear still, your recompense is still
That I regard it not. (2.3.104-107)

Oh, snap! Imogen lays it out directly for Cloten. Listen up, she says: I don't love you, man, even if you say you love me. It's pretty funny stuff, but it gets us thinking: how does Cloten's love compare to Posthumus's love for Imogen?

Quote #5

I'll love him as my brother.—
And such a welcome as I'd give to him
After long absence, such is yours. Most welcome. (3.6.83-85)

Foreshadowing alert: Imogen really is this guy's sister. Right away, Imogen shares a special bond with Arviragus. What does this say about family bonds in this play? Are they instinctive?

Quote #6

I love thee—I have spoke it—
How much the quantity, the weight as much
As I do love my father. (4.2.19-21)

Guiderius agrees with his brother that Fidele is more like family than Belarius, their supposed father, is. Hmm… since his father isn't really related and Fidele is, we think Shakespeare might be pointing out how blood relations always share a strong bond with one another. How does family love compare with romantic love in this respect?