Jealousy Quotes in Crazy Rich Asians

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Rachel couldn't hide her look of surprise. Why had Nick never once mentioned this friend of his, this beautiful girl who inexplicably kept calling him Nico? Rachel gave Nick a measured look, but he simply smiled back, oblivious to the nagging thoughts filling her mind. (3.5.103)

Rachel stays pretty measured through most of the nonsense that happens to her, but we finally see an understandable crack in her visage.

Quote #8

[…] Eleanor […] had been in shock ever since she spotted Rachel on the promenade wearing the Grand Duchess Zoya sapphire necklace. Could her disapproving mother-in-law really have loaned the necklace to Rachel? Or, even more unthinkable, had she given Rachel the necklace? What sort of black magic was Rachel doing at Tyersall Park? (3.8.16)

Now we see that Eleanor's jealousy isn't just about Rachel's good looks, but it's about family members seeming to accept Rachel. Ah, perhaps Eleanor is jealous of this?

Quote #9

"What's more, the whole family seems to have fallen in love with her, even my […] sister-in-law," Eleanor said, almost choking on the words. (3.8.38)

Confirmed, Eleanor is jealous that the family loves Rachel.