Jealousy Quotes in Crazy Rich Asians

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"WHAAAT? Colin's bachelor party is this weekend? Who the hell invited Alistair to his bachelor party? […] But Colin is better friends with ME!" Eddie screamed, the pressure building in his head. And then he felt a strange draft from behind. His pants had split open at the ass. (2.10.77-2.10.79)

Did anyone else laugh as hard as we did when Eddie's pants split open in the middle of his jealous tantrum?

Quote #5

"I can taste the coconut milk in the soup, but what gives it the slightly tart, spicy kick? Is it Kaffir?" Rachel asked.

Show-off, Eleanor thought […]

"Rachel, it's so impressive that you know your way around a spice rack," Francesca chirped, her fake-friendly tone barely masking her disdain. (2.18.63-2.18.66)

It's funny to us that Kwan uses "disdain" instead of jealousy here. While there is likely some snobbery involved, there's also a lot of envy of Rachel's skill and smarts.

Quote #6

He was careful to emphasize the word quite, knowing that his wife would fly into even more of a jealous fit at the thought of another woman in her vicinity being unequivocally proclaimed a beauty. (2.18.94)

Phil Young knows his wife, but it makes us think: Is it mere jealousy or do we have a Jocasta complex on our hands?