Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau Happiness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I took such pleasure in thus soaring into the empyrean in the midst of all the charms that surrounded me, that I spent countless hours and days at it. (9.1.47)

Hanging out in the woods is Rousseau's idea of a good time. Yeah, we'd have to agree with him.

Quote #8

Whereas, on the other hand, I am consistently preoccupied with my past happiness. (11.1.28)

This is the trillionth time Rousseau has told us he's obsessed with the past. Could that be part of the motivation behind writing The Confessions?

Quote #9

After this we were to go, as I have said, and live together in some provincial corner. (11.2.27)

Living a rural life has always been the dream for Rousseau. He can't get it out of his head.