Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau Happiness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

We were in a county of plenty at a time of good cheer, and, thanks to the Marquis' good offices, we enjoyed it to the full. (6.2.12)

Rousseau loves to link his life to historical events. It's a good time to be in France, apparently.

Quote #5

People wanted to meet this odd man who sought no acquaintance and only wanted to pursue his freedom and happiness in his own way. (8.1.18)

Basically, Rousseau's all the rage in high society. Why does he think his method of seeking happiness is so strange?

Quote #6

Indeed my resources, being proportionate to my needs and desires, might reasonably promise me a long and happy life in the conditions that my tastes had let me choose. (9.1.1)

Rousseau's expectations aren't that high. He wants a peaceful home and a celebrity reputation that follows him everywhere. Okay, so maybe his expectations are a little higher than we originally thought.