City of Bones Chapter 7 Quotes

City of Bones Chapter 7 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 4

"'Supposed to be'? You mean angels don't—" (7.58)

We assume Clary is going to say "angels don't exist" before getting cut off by Madame Dorothea. Jace doesn't seem to think they do, even though he might be one (or maybe he just looks heavenly).

Quote 5

"The most terrible things men do, they do in the name of love." (7.84)

Maybe that's why The Supremes command men to stop in the name of love. But in all seriousness, this moment tells us that besides revenge, there's one other clear motivator in this book: ooey gooey, hearts and flowers, rainbows and unicorns love.

Quote 6

"In my day, girls were robust, strapping creatures, not twigs like they are nowadays." (7.62)

However old she is, Madame Dorothea has a healthy view of body image. Clary, on the other hand, desperately longs to be a twig.