City of Bones Chapter 16 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Falling Angels

  • Bruised and bloody, Jace, Simon, and Clary return to the Institute and Hodge, furious at Jace's irresponsible behavior.
  • Clary somehow escaped with the fewest and least severe injuries of the three of them.
  • When she visits Simon in the infirmary, he gives her a light kiss on the cheek, which surprises her.
  • Before Clary can return to her room, Alec stops her and confronts her.
  • He wants her to leave the Institute, because he thinks Clary makes Jace act recklessly, which puts his life in danger. The dude's not entirely wrong.
  • The two of them have a heated argument, which ends with Clary calling out Alec on his secret love for Jace.
  • "She could see how she was hurting him, and it made her glad" (16.46). Clary, that's not very nice.
  • He decides to hurt her, too. "Don't you ever […] say anything like that to him or I'll kill you" (16.47). Then he grabs her arms so hard it hurts her.
  • After gripping her for only a second or two, he lets go and staggers away.
  • Clary spends the rest of the chapter drawing to take her mind off things, and chatting and telling jokes with Simon after he gets released from the infirmary.
  • Later that night, she gets a visit from Jace, who wants to take her on a surprise late-night picnic.