Truth Quotes in Burn

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"What I said is the truth. And I'm not taking it back. In fact, I'm going to lead us into the future with that truth." (6.24)

Partridge says this to a man who is threatening to jump in front of a moving train. And this is exactly what the man doesn't want to hear; the truth is what makes him suicidal.

Quote #5

"But we're Pure […] That's the truth. We are Pure. We deserve what we have." (6.25)

The Pures were fed lies their whole lives, so their idea of the truth is skewed. No one deserves to have everything just because.

Quote #6

Beckley doesn't say anything. He either doesn't know or doesn't want to tell Partridge the truth. (6.58)

You want the truth? You can't handle the truth!