Contrasting Regions Quotes in Burn

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"We've never had strangers arrive. We don't know how to treat them, except as something foreign, maybe a threat." (1.47)

Another case of a Dome vs. Wretches; the Dome in Newgrange has no idea how to treat Bradwell, Pressia, and El Capitan because they've never been in contact with any wretches.

Quote #2

The wretches, those vile blights on humanity, soulless, no longer human. (2.8)

This is the view of the wretches from the Pures' perspective. Pretty flattering, huh?

Quote #3

"I mean, do you want the wretches and the Pures to walk hand in hand into a beautiful tomorrow?" (2.26)

Yes, that's exactly what Partridge wants. But for people like Foresteed, this idea is absolutely ludicrous.