Revenge Quotes in Burn

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"What's more selfish? Your desire to make yourself whole or revenge?" (8.98)

Trouble in paradise between Pressia and Bradwell: what he might actually be missing here is that Pressia's desire to make herself whole manifests as a sort of revenge.

Quote #5

The land itself is alive—hatefully alive. Maybe vengefulness is part of all of them. (13.63)

Think about being a Dust in this trilogy: you've been fused to the ground, and all you can really do now is try to kill. Wouldn't you feel pretty angry and vengeful?

Quote #6

He punches the cold ground with his fists. He feels the desire for revenge pulsing through him. (21.24)

In Burn, even the ground is malicious.