How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"You know what really wrecks us, Helmud? Love. Love is what really wrecks us." (3.46)
Even though El Capitan made a bombastic statement about matters of the heart building up scar tissue, we can see that he's pretty vulnerable to the effects of lost love.
Quote #5
If she wants Bradwell to forgive her, maybe the first step is making him see that she's valuable. (7.15)
Not exactly the best idea if you want to win someone over. Sure, Pressia is valuable to Bradwell, but now she's just trying to manipulate him.
Quote #6
Was it a moment of weakness when he told Pressia he loved her? Or was that conviction? (8.41)
El Capitan wonders if he was just succumbing to weakness in confessing his love to Pressia; but really, saying I love you is a pretty gutsy move. Hey, at least he had the confidence to say it, unlike Bradwell.