Lies and Deceit Quotes in Burn

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

And these dying people called him a liar, but Partridge couldn't tell whether they hated him because of the truth he told about his father or this new lie—marrying Iralene. (14.12)

Or maybe, people hate Partridge because he can't make up his mind. If he decides to preach the truth while simultaneously lying to everyone about his marriage, he really has no validity as a ruler.

Quote #8

How many lies will he have to offer up as a sacrifice to appease the people of the Dome? How many? (14.29)

Truisms can be true: "when first you practice to deceive, oh what a tangled web you weave."

Quote #9

"You're not telling the whole truth, which is lying." (33.19)

That's why they ask you to tell "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth" in a court of law. Anything less than the whole truth is still a lie.