Guilt and Blame Quotes in Burn

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

They've held on to a lot of guilt and anger and blame for a long time.(6.66)

This goes along with the theme of lying; the effect of an extended lie is extended guilt. This extended guilt eats away at the Pures, reducing them down into—you guessed it—guilty liars.

Quote #5

El Capitan know the signs of festering guilt—intimately, from the inside out. (8.60)

Well, he's the guy who used to kill people for fun. So yeah, guilt is just second nature for El Capitan.

Quote #6

Sin is sin—individual and collective. His life is full of it. (8.76)

Again, the more you sin (individually or as a group), the more guilt builds up. And the more the guilt adds up, the more likely you are to having a breakdown.