How It All Goes Down
Lyda (Wheels)
- While Pressia sleeps, Lyda writes the message for outside of the Dome and gives it to Freedle, Pressia's pet cicada.
- She checks for her armor, but it's not there.
- Chandry Culp, here caretaker, is taking apart her nursery.
- Chandry calls Pressia and Lyda in. She orders Pressia to help clean up while Lyda talks to the repairman for the orb.
- Oh right, Boyd the repairman is a good guy.
- Lyda and Boyd start talking in code, and he basically urges her to get out of the Dome.
- By the way, the orb was never broken.
- He also hints that she should always trust a Culp.
- Wow, so apparently Chandry was on the good team all along.
- When Lyda gets back to the nursery, all of her spears are loaded into a huge bin. Oh, and Pressia is in the bin too.
- Chandry is helping Lyda escape—she's pretending to scold her, but is actually trying to get her into the bin with Lyda.
- Chandry's able to stealthily get Lyda into the bin without the cameras seeing; Lyda's armor is there too.
- So hopefully Pressia and Lyda can escape the Dome.