Suffering Quotes in Breaking Dawn

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[Jacob:] …killing Bella felt like killing me, like suicide. (10.265)

Jacob and Bella's lives have become so intertwined that her pain is his pain, and to kill her would mean to end his own life.

Quote #8

[Leah to Jacob:] "I wasn't born a compassionless shrew. I used to be sort of nice, you know." (16.93)

Leah explains to Jacob that she has had a lot of painful experiences that have hardened her into the person she is now.

Quote #9

[Edward to Bella:] "Jacob isn't suffering… Though I might be willing to change his condition." (22.25)

Edward is not happy with the fact that Jacob imprinted on Renesmee. At the same time, he hesitates to punish him, because he can really see Jacob's devotion to his daughter.