Suffering Quotes in Breaking Dawn

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[Jacob:] "My fault," Edward whispered, and his knees gave out. He crumpled in front of me, vulnerable, the easiest target you could imagine. But I felt as cold as snow there was no fire in me. (9.142)

In the face of Edward's pain and helplessness, Jacob's rage and hatred disappears. He empathizes with him so much that he feels cold – like a vampire.

Quote #5

[Jacob:] Of course, die for the monster spawn. It was so Bella. (9.149)

Jacob seems to suggest that Bella has a tendency to be a martyr for love.

Quote #6

[Jacob to Bella:] "I'm not going to hang around and watch you die, Bella." (10.170)

Jacob can't bear to watch Bella sacrifice her life for an unknown monster inside of her. Might his words also be intended to make her aware of the consequences of her decision – death?