Warfare (The Holocaust) Quotes in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"He runs the country, idiot […] don't you ever read a newspaper?" (11.638)

You know, we wonder the same thing ourselves. Why is it that Gretel reads the newspapers but Bruno doesn't? He may be nine-years-old, but he's old enough to read a paper, right?

Quote #8

"And every time we left the house, [Shmuel's mother] told us we had to wear one of these armbands." (12.695)

Shmuel relates his experience to Bruno of being forced to wear armbands with the Star of David. Bruno doesn't understand the significance of it, though, and instead considers Shmuel lucky to have been given an accessory. Yeah, Bruno really doesn't get what's going on here…

Quote #9

[Shmuel] turned and walked away and Bruno noticed again just how small and skinny his new friend was. (12.748)

As the days pass, Shmuel gets smaller and skinnier, something Bruno notices but doesn't question. It's clear, though, that one of the warfare tactics being used on Shmuel is denial of enough food.