Warfare (The Holocaust) Quotes in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"We should have never let the Fury come to dinner […]. Some people and their determination to get ahead." (5.210)

Yes, it probably wasn't the best idea to have Adolf Hitler to dinner--Bruno's mom is right about that. But when it comes to the family decisions, anything "some people" (a.k.a. Bruno's father) wants is what he gets.

Quote #5

"This is my work, important work. Important to our country. Important to the Fury. You'll understand that some day." (5.254)

Bruno's father explains why they are in Auschwitz to Bruno, but if you ask us, it's a pretty weak excuse, especially considering Bruno doesn't know who "the Fury" is or what's going on in Germany.

Quote #6

"War is not a fit subject for conversation." (7.358)

Really? Really? We're not entirely convinced that keeping kids in the dark about what's happening in the world (especially in their own country) is the best idea. Then again, ignorance is bliss.