Friendship Quotes in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I can't believe I didn't tell him the truth. I've never let a friend down like that before. Shmuel, I'm ashamed of myself." (15.1050)

Well, at least Bruno sucks it up and apologizes properly. We have to admit—it's a pretty deep and honest apology for a youngin', and we're not surprised when Shmuel forgives him and the two continue their chummy relationship.

Quote #8

It was the first time they had ever touched. (15.1052)

Thought the apology wasn't enough? Well, you're in luck, because it's followed by a true moment of poetry—Shmuel lifts up the fence, slips his hand under, and the two boys shake hands. Aw…

Quote #9

"I won't have anyone to talk to any more when you're gone." (18.1204)

Shmuel's reaction here to Bruno leaving Auschwitz is super sad. Bruno's one of the best things Shmuel has going in his life at this point.