Friendship Quotes in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"We're like twins." (10.572)

Okay, maybe this is a bit of a stretch coming from Bruno, but the sentiment is cute. Besides the shared birthday, they have little in common, particular by the time they meet. Still, it says a lot that kids will look for similarities rather than differences, unlike many adults.

Quote #5

"Or I could come to you […]. Perhaps I could come and meet your friends." (12.742)

Awkward moment: Before they part ways, Bruno suggests coming over to Shmuel's side of the fence. However, due to history (and, well, the fence), we know this won't be the easiest thing to do.

Quote #6

"No sir. [Bruno] gave it to me […]. He's my friend." (15.1029)

This is definitely an uh-oh moment—not only does Lieutenant Kotler walk into Bruno's kitchen to find the boys talking together, but he also discovers that Shmuel has been eating. Things get really mucked up when Bruno tells Kotler that he's never seen Shmuel before. Friend, schmiend.