Freedom and Confinement Quotes in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"It's only food." (15.1013)

Food is only food if you never have to worry about eating. The thing Bruno doesn't understand is that the prisoners don't have the freedom to buy their own food, cook, or go shopping. They have to eat what is given to them, and usually it isn't close to enough.

Quote #8

In another corner [Bruno] could see more soldiers standing around and laughing and looking down the barrels of their guns, aiming them in random directions, but not firing them. (19.1278)

At this point in the novel, Bruno has crossed over to the other side. For the first time he sees what really goes on in the camp, and he quickly becomes very uncomfortable. Umm, yeah, we would, too, if we saw a bunch of Nazis walking around with guns…

Quote #9

[…] they were all piling into a long room that was surprisingly warm and must have been very securely built because no rain was getting in anywhere. In fact it felt completely airtight. (19.1303)

This is the second time that Bruno and Shmuel are in a room together, and unfortunately, it will also be the last. Unknowingly, they're led into a gas chamber, pushed up against many others, completely trapped, confined, and beaten.