Freedom and Confinement Quotes in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"But don't you ever wake up in the morning and feel like wearing something different? There must be something else in your wardrobe." (14.884)

Oh, Bruno. Talk about living under a rock—for the entire span of the novel he thinks that what Shmuel and the others wear are pajamas and not prison uniforms. Of course, we can't blame him entirely; neither Gretel nor his parents explain to him about the clothes.

Quote #5

There, sitting at the table, a long way from the other side of the fence, was Shmuel. (15.985)

Holy smokes, Shmuel's in Bruno's house. This is the first of two times that Shmuel and Bruno are in the same space, and both instances lead to disastrous results. In this case, Shmuel gets in trouble for talking to Bruno and eating—things any person should be able to do.

Quote #6

[…] there was something about the people from there that made [Bruno] think they shouldn't be here in his house. (15.988)

We're kind of surprised that Bruno thinks this after all the time he's spent hanging out with Shmuel. Is it a demonstration of some inner racism he has, or just an observation he makes due to how Shmuel looks compared to his family?