Sacrifice Quotes in The Blood of Olympus

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Look, it's got to be this way. Otherwise we'll all die." (36.101)

Leo receives a lot of pushback regarding his sacrifice plan, but Leo knows it's either him or everyone…and it might as well be him: the seventh wheel. Womp womp.

Quote #8

A single drop of blood fell from [Percy's] chin. It hit the ground between his feet and sizzled like water on a frying pan. (44.33)

Prophecies almost always have to do with sacrifice of some point, and sometimes that sacrifice is minor and unintentional. The giants don't have to kill Percy to raise Gaea; they just need the tiniest drop of his blood.

Quote #9

"Victory is always dangerous. And it often requires sacrifice." (50.74)

This line is from Nike—and she's the goddess of victory, so she knows what she's talking about.