Sacrifice Quotes in The Blood of Olympus

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"My guards will buy you time!" Hylla shouted. "Your quest must succeed!" (24.7)

Reyna isn't so psyched when it's her sister who might be sacrificing herself. But here, it's "just" her guards, and even though we know their names, their deaths don't sting that much when they fall. Maybe because it's their job?

Quote #5

"You will face a sacrifice that you may not be able to make, and it will cost you the world." (28.24)

Kym, the minor goddess, says this to Percy. Maybe that's why she's a minor goddess…because we have no idea what the heck she's talking about.

Quote #6

Frank sniffled. "I think you mean falling on your sword." (34.74)

Hello, idiom! Here, Frank is talking about how Leo plans on sacrificing himself (although at this point in the narrative, we're not sure what Leo's plan is).

P.S. Did you notice that Frank "sniffled"? He's sad about this plan…which makes sense, since sacrifice usually isn't a happy thing.