Friendship Quotes in The Blood of Olympus

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I don't run when my friends need me." (28.25)

Unless you've been under a rock for the last nine books, you should know this about Percy Jackson already…but he thinks it bears repeating. Percy will always see a quest through to the end.

Quote #8

"You shared your painful experiences; how can we not support you? We're friends." (32.25)

Nico and Reyna both share painful secrets from their past with each other, and it doesn't scare either of them away. In fact, because they both share a traumatic past, it brings them closer to each other.

Quote #9

"This will hurt, my friend," [Reyna] told Blackjack. (40.6)

Reyna cares for animals almost as much as she cares for people, and she gives Blackjack the pegasus the same medical attention she'd give a human friend.