Friendship Quotes in The Blood of Olympus

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"We don't fight each other. We fight the giants. You should help us." (11.53)

We'd never expect our group of heroes to turn against each other, but their friendship surprises Nike, the goddess of victory. Why? Probably because the gods don't really have friends, so they have no problems squabbling amongst each other.

Quote #5

"Whatever happens," [Piper] told Annabeth, "I'm your friend. Just… remember that, okay?" (19.50)

Earlier, Piper called Annabeth "the bravest person she knew" (19.36), so it's a big deal for her to be considered a friend…and to have something to offer Annabeth, when Piper is able to stay cool under pressure.

Quote #6

Reyna doubted she could change his feelings, but she wanted Nico to have support. All heroes deserved that. (22.29)

Reyna and Nico might not have been friends in any other situation, but they become almost inseparable after everything they go through together—and after Nico shows how brave and resourceful he can be.