Fate and Free Will Quotes in The Blood of Olympus

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Thing is, as I was choking just now, I kept thinking: this is payback for Akhlys. The Fates are letting me die the same way I tried to kill that goddess. And… honestly, a part of me felt I deserved it." (28.52)

As a demigod, Percy is accustomed to the fact that he's probably fated to die somewhere, so he almost casually accepts this fact when he's poisoned.

Quote #8

The doctor's expression said I am so, so sorry. (36.35)

Doctors aren't exactly going to write "death by prophecy" on your medical chart. Asclepius can see what's going to happen to people; he knows that Leo is going to die and that he can't do anything about it.

Quote #9

"Don't hurt him or bind him. I have a feeling Michael's heart is in the right place. He just had the bad luck of being sponsored by the wrong person." (38.40)

Reyna doesn't blame Michael's bad behavior on himself; he blames it on the fact that Octavian got a hold of him. Does that mean Michael never had the free will to deny Octavian's orders?