Fate and Free Will Quotes in The Blood of Olympus

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Your blood shall be spilled! One of you here—one of your four—is fated to die battling Gaea!" (12.108)

This prophecy gets repeated over and over throughout the book, but it ends up being an interesting mix of fate and free will. Yes, one of them has to die, but Leo chooses for it to be him.

Quote #5

"Some deaths should not be prevented. When the time comes, you may need to act." (14.77)

Hades suggests that some people have to die. Well, when it comes to Hades, everyone has to die, so you have to take this advice with a grain of salt. Or brimstone.

Quote #6

"The demigods cannot change their fate. One way or another, their blood shall be spilled upon these stones and wake the Earth Mother!" (18.67)

Here's the prophecy that suggests that the demigods' blood will raise Gaea. Does that mean if they just stayed as far away from the Parthenon as possible, Gaea never would have been resurrected? (We're gonna go with no.)