Blood Meridian Madness Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #7

"The brother had his wits stole in this place and the man now before them in his hides and his peculiar bootees was not altogether sane" (16.12).

The kid and Glanton's crew come across two old brothers who've lived alone together in the desert for years. Like many people, they've lost most of their sanity by living out in the sandy wastelands. We also think it's kind of cute that McCarthy chose to use the word "bootees" to describe their shoes—that word makes us think of babies.

Quote #8

"Glanton and his men were two days and nights in the streets crazed with liquor" (19.103).

It takes a lot of energy for Glanton and his men to ride around and kill people all day. That's why they like to sit back and cut loose whenever they can, getting drunk and running around like crazy people.

Quote #9

"The judge smiled, he tapped his temple. The priest, he said. The priest has been too long in the sun" (20.88).

When Tobin warns the kid against trusting the judge, the judge implies that Tobin has gone crazy from being in the desert too long. The idea of the sun and sand driving someone crazy is a pretty old one, and the judge is happy to use it to his advantage.