Blood Meridian Madness Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #4

"The old man's full [Bathcat] said. Or mad" (8.26).

You mad, bro? Bathcat has no time for the old Mexican man who tries to talk to him about killing Apaches. He tells his buddies not to listen to the old man because he's mad. It's pretty funny, though, that a group of bloodthirsty murderers like them are calling other people mad.

Quote #5

"He looked at them. They were foul and ragged and half crazed" (9.35).

You ride around in the desert long enough and you're going to run into some people who've been so badly beaten down by the sun and by constant attacks from Apaches, Americans, and Mexicans that there's really nothing left in them. Some people like to think they're hard and tough, but in the end, no one is invincible. Maybe they should have brought some sunscreen.

Quote #6

"In the afternoon he lay bound to his bed like a madman while the judge sat with him and cooled his brow with rags of water and spoke to him in a low voice" (14.17).

At one point, Glanton falls into a fever and goes half crazy with sickness. This is a big break from the normal cold, silent face that he shows to the world. Who knows? Maybe all those years of murdering are getting to him.