Bless Me, Ultima Revenge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Line)

Quote #7

I had not thought of Tenorio all summer […] but now here he was again, plotting to bring another tragedy into my life. (22.316-320)

Leave it to Antonio to keep it interesting. All this time, it's seemed like Tenorio's revenge was bent on Ultima, but in actuality are his actions really revenge against Antonio? They are, after all, the protagonist and antagonist of this whole shebang.

Quote #8

"I hope you rot in that hole as your bruja will rot in hell!" (22.421-422)

Sure, we could use this revenge quote to put Tenorio on the therapy couch and ask him what went wrong in his childhood to make him so angry, but there's something interesting about this quote that goes beyond one man's psychotic nature. This quote from Tenorio acknowledges the connection between Antonio and Ultima. In Tenorio's eyes, she is Antonio's bruja, and that makes Antonio culpable, too.

Quote #9

"This very night I will avenge the death of my two daughters! It is the owl that is the spirit of the old witch." (22.500-501)

Is Tenorio beating a dead horse? Maybe. But each little tidbit of revenge-speak from this guy opens the book up a little more. He knows it's the owl, now, and he's going to do something about it. This man is setting up a clash with the supernatural, and it's gonna be quite the show.