Bless Me, Ultima Revenge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Line)

Quote #4

"It will only end when blood is spilled" (14.282)

Samuel is wise beyond his years, and here he hits on something that becomes a theme for Anaya. Once revenge is sought, there is no peaceable end to it. It's kind of like Macbeth (sorry theater people, sometimes you have to say the word). Once violence becomes the means to settle something, it will inevitably lead to more violence.

Quote #5

Vengeance is Mine! […] not even your golden carp would give up that power as a god! (14.1142-1143)

God shouts this in one of Antonio's dreams, and this raises a really interesting question for Antonio. If God, the golden carp, and other Supreme Beings thrive on revenge and are unable to forgive, how can humans be expected to act any better?

Quote #6

"I will find a way to kill the witch." (16.89-90)

Okay, Tenorio, here we go again. More claims of revenge on Ultima. Yay for you. This one keeps it interesting, though. Do you think the difference between a witch and a curandera is just a semantic argument in the book? Or does Tenorio actually have it right about Ultima?