Bless Me, Ultima Men and Masculinity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Line)

Quote #7

"I don't know, maybe it's because the war made men out of us too fast." (9.143-144)

Although it never dominates the book, what role does World War II play on shaping the lives of Antonio and his brothers? In other words, what's really being said here?

Quote #8

"Your uncles are strong men, you can learn much from them." (22.82-83)

This is an important piece of advice that Ultima passes onto Antonio. She knows that he has learned a lot of what it takes to be a good man from his father, but she knows that the Luna men have much to teach him, as well. Antonio will ultimately take lessons from them all to become his own man, which definitely seems like the right way to go.

Quote #9

"It will be good for you to be on your own this summer, to be away from your mother." (22.115-116)

Preach! It's been hinted at before, but this is the moment it's made crystal clear. In order for Antonio to truly become a man, he must leave the protection of his mom for a while and call his own shots. When he returns, he is a man, and he gives orders to his mother, which she follows.