Bless Me, Ultima Men and Masculinity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Line)

Quote #4

"We're men, Andy, we're not boys any longer. We can't be tied down to old dreams." (8.101-102)

The choice of one simple word gives this line a world of meaning: "old." Becoming a man doesn't mean giving up on dreams altogether, it just means that you develop new dreams of your own. (And then you grow old and foist those dreams on your kids.)

Quote #5

"You shame your good names by following this jodido Tenorio!" (12.378-379)

Once again, it all comes back to honor for guys in this book. However, not acting honorably doesn't just bring disgrace to you, it brings disgrace to your entire family. That goes to show how strong familial ties are in the culture of Bless Me, Ultima and how each generation (past, present, and future) is linked to all other generations.

Quote #6

"The next time, and God grant there isn't a next time, I will not shirk my duty to her." (13.69-71)

Anaya drops a little bit of foreshadowing in our laps again. We know there will be a next time, and when it comes around, Pedro does not shirk his duty.