Bless Me, Ultima Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Line)

Quote #7

"Antonio has worked well […]. He has the feel of the earth in his blood." (13.222-223)

Once again, Antonio's blood links him to the Luna, his mother' s people, but this time around, his identity also links him to the natural world. This is a lesson that Antonio comes to learn throughout Bless Me, Ultima—man shares a connection with all that is around him, whether it is other people, nature, or the supernatural. And that goes for all men—not just the Lunas.

Quote #8

"You have to choose, Antonio," Cico said, "you have to choose between the god of the church, or the beauty that is here and now." (21.41-43)

Cico doesn't mess around. He just lays it out there for Antonio. But does Antonio have to choose between one or the other to form his own identity? Does accepting more the one answer actually go on to define who Antonio is as a person?

Quote #9

"Understanding comes with life." (22.194)

Antonio's father might not be the most talkative guy, but when he finally gets around to doing it, he drops some gems on his youngest son. Antonio so badly wants all of the answers so he can figure out who he is, but as his dad points out with that simple little line, one has to live life before he can understand. In essence, one has to live life before he can truly know who he is. This sentiment is echoed in Ultima's final blessing of Antonio when she says, "Always have the strength to live" (22.659). Good tip, Ultima.