Bless Me, Ultima Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Line)

Quote #4

It was true, I thought, it is the Márez blood in us that touches us with this urge to wander. Like the restless, seeking sea. (8.50-51)

Identity not only holds sway over destiny, it also holds sway over actions, too. Being Márez is what causes Antonio's brothers to head out into the world and leave their family behind.

Quote #5

"How will you get ahead?" I asked. "Will you become a farmer?" (9.132-133)

Antonio asks this of Andrew. He goes on to ask Andrew if he will become a farmer. A farmer and a priest are what Antonio's mother wants for Antonio. This is the boy's attempt to find a shared identity with his older brother.

Quote #6

And what is it about my innocent Luna blood that will help lift the curse from my uncle? (10.290-292)

Because of who he is and because of his name, Antonio serves to help his uncle survive the witches' curse. Antonio doesn't understand why this is true, but it is true, and that's pretty much all there is to it.