Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk Questions

  1. What does Ben Fountain have against Texas, and particularly Dallas?
  2. Are the Bravo characters military stereotypes? Or do they seem like fleshed-out individuals? Explain your answer.
  3. How much is the movie like the book, and are these kinds of comparisons ever useful?
  4. Why doesn't Billy have a nickname? And why doesn't Josh have a last name?
  5. Why doesn't author Ben Fountain go into more detail about what exactly Billy did that's heroic? What function does that serve in our story?
  6. Why do we never get to see too much of what happens in Iraq in this novel?
  7. What is up with Billy's attraction to his sister, Kathryn?
  8. If you were in Billy's shoes, would have you gone with the guys from Austin or not? Why?
  9. Do you think Faison is really into Billy? Like, for real? Can we be sure? Why or why not?
  10. What is Norm's primary motivation? Explain your answer.
  11. What does this book have to say about patriotism? Is it a good thing? A bad thing? Either, depending on your motivation?