Batman Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Batman.

Quote #4

JOKER: Wait till they get a load of me.

Just as Jack was proud of his appearance, Joker is equally vain, if not more so. This guy would think he looked good if he swapped faces with a donkey's rear end. He tells people he looks good, and people think he looks good.

Quote #5

JOKER: You're beautiful in an old-fashioned kind of way. But I'm sure we can make you more today.

Joker thinks his personal ideal of how women should look is something to impose on all women, whether they want it or not. He appreciates Vicki Vale's old Hollywood glamor, but he thinks she should be modernized. And he's so full of himself, he thinks she'll go along with the suggestions.

Quote #6

JOKER: You know how concerned people are about appearances. This is attractive, that is not.

Joker says this immediately after the last quote critiquing Vicki's appearance. This is the pot calling a whole wall of kettles black. Joker accuses others of being concerned about appearances when 99.9% of his attention is focused on his own appearance. The other .1% is directed toward the appearances of others.