Tradition and Customs Quotes in Austenland

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Remember to wear a wrap and bonnet when you go out! (4.6)

Austenland is the only place where you're likely to hear this statement today. The wrap and bonnet are for show, not function; they keep you from being branded as an improper lady.

Quote #8

Regency breasts should be veiled during daylight hours. (5.77)

For all the talk of heaving bosoms we hear about in romance novels, they're actually quite modest about their bodies. (Note: we said hear about. We're totally not talking from experience. No, that's not Fabio on the cover of that book…)

Quote #9

Doing next to nothing all day was taking its toll. (8.8)

As someone who normally spends her days in New York City—taking public transportation, working a desk job, and trying to have an active social life—this lady of leisure stuff is just so boring for our dear Jane.