Tradition and Customs Quotes in Austenland

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

No gossip, no swapping university prank stories, no yo's and ho's and all that. I am very strict about my observances, hm? (3.29)

Mrs. Wattlesbrook is so strict, she doesn't seem to have any earthly idea how younger people actually talk these days. Jane is a young woman from New York, not a pirate.

Quote #5

Mrs. Wattlesbrook settled down to quiz [Jane] on the items of study—how to play the card games whist and speculation, general etiquette, current events of the Regency period, and so on. (3.41)

Who knew card games were so complicated? In addition to learning the rules, you also have to be following the proper etiquette with the local ladies and gentleman. No wonder social activities eventually changed from whist to "just hanging out."

Quote #6

To properly enjoy "the Experience," Jane was to understand, even the underwear must be Regency. (3.43)

Although the corsets and boning (no giggles) might be uncomfortable, we think it might be a nice reminder to follow the strict rules of etiquette. Rigid posture; rigid behaviors.