Foolishness and Folly Quotes in Austenland

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[Jane] just needed to screw her head on straight so that she could properly enjoy being young and female and as beautiful as she wanted to be. (9.48)

Jane thinks that her foolishness gets in the way of her pursuit of a man, but it seems to us that Mr. Nobley actually finds her silliness quite endearing.

Quote #8

Jane was shocked to recognize in her old self more of the anxious marriage-obsessed Mrs. Bennet than the lively Elizabeth. (12.12)

Mrs. Bennet is one of the least sensible characters in Austen's novel, and frankly, in this case, we have to agree with her.

Quote #9

I hate him and he hates me. It's perfect! (15.54)

This is the kind of logic that drives many modern-day novels inspired by Pride and Prejudice… including all of the Young Adult novels that feature a scowling male protagonist. By which we mean: all of them.