Foolishness and Folly Quotes in Austenland

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

A house full of Regency dreamboats and [Jane] chose the root-beer-sipping gardener. (7.8)

Jane seems to find it completely ridiculous that she fell for the sexy gardener who has seduced her. We're not all that surprised. American romantics like strong, working-class people (at least in books and movies), despite their fascination with the haughty gentlemen of the world.

Quote #5

You stupid, stupid girl, she thought. You were fantasizing again. Stop it! (8.37)

Jane often has to give herself a mental face-palm when she realizes how ridiculous she's being. This trip to Austenland was supposed to squelch her fantasy life, but it seems only to feed into it.

Quote #6

Um, did I just say, "Ya"? (9.21)

It's a funny moment when Jane almost goes ninja on Mr. Nobley. Maybe she thought she was in a Pride and Prejudice and Zombies resort for a hot second.