Travel, Separation, and Distance Quotes in The Art of Racing in the Rain

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

It all felt wrong. The absence of Eve and Zoë was wrong. There was something missing to everything we did. (20.5)

Here Denny and Enzo notice the absence of Eve and Zoë in everything they do, so much so that their entire lives feel off balance, since the space and distance between them is overwhelming.

Quote #5

Oh the joy! Denny and me and our BMW, driving all day and into the evening like a couple of banditos running from the law, like partners in crime. It had to be a crime to lead such a life as we led, a life in which one could escape one's troubles by racing cars! (26.3)

Enzo toys with the idea that you can outrun your problems, that distance and the speed of movement itself is a kind of freedom. Well, that's all very well and good, but no matter how much we've tried, we've never outrun our problems for very long.

Quote #6

Six months came and six months went and Eve was still alive. Then seven months. Then eight. (27.1)

In this instance, space and time constrict to show overlapping months when Eve's absence passes in a blur of distilled time that doesn't need to be detailed. The glossing over of the six months without Eve hints at the fact that they either barely need mentioning, from Enzo's perspective. They're monotonous. There's no need to describe the lonely, angry pain any more than he already has.