Annie Hall Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Annie Hall? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. According to Annie, how is Alvy like his beloved New York?

his mind never sleeps
he's an island
he's dark and gloomy
he was born in 1624
Q. Alyv's always anxious, and he seems to prefer it that way. In fact, what does he say will happen to him if he gets too mellow?

he'll ripen and rot
he'll stop being so delightful
he'll lapse into a coma
he'll melt into a pile of goo like Judge Doom at the end of Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Q. According to Annie, Alvy only gave her books with what word in the title?

New York
Q. Using his powers of fantasy, whom does Alvy make magically appear to put the obnoxious guy in the movie line in his place?

Federico Fellini
Marshall McLuhan
Ingmar Bergman
The Terminator
Q. According to Alvy, why do we keep putting ourselves through relationships, even though they're absurd?

It's human nature.
nobody wants to be lonely
we need the eggs
what else are we going to do?