Annie Hall Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Annie Hall? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. When Pam the Rolling Stone reporter asks Alvy if he caught the Bob Dylan concert, Alvy says he didn't. Why?

he's allergic to folk music
he had Knicks tickets
he was washing his hair
his raccoon had hepatitis
Q. What does Alvy do to avoid being intimate with his first wife, Allison, because he knows it will irritate her?

talk about JFK assassination conspiracies
pretend to be asleep
put a red light bulb in their bedside lamp
make banana nut bread until dawn
Q. What's Alvy's mom's response when Little Alvy complains that the universe is expanding?

"What is that your business?"
"Who cares? You still have to go to school!"
"What are they teaching you in school?"
"I wish I'd never taught you how to read!"
Q. What is Alvy's second wife's name?

Princess Vanessa McMurgatroid
Q. Why does Alvy's elementary school teacher, Miss Reed, say that Alvy should be ashamed of himself?

he fell asleep in class
he talked back to her
he kissed his classmate
he carved "Miss Reed smells like cheese" into his desk