Annie Hall Theme of Philosophical Viewpoints: The Absurd

Snuggies. Carstaches. Life is full of absurdity.

And for Alvy, love is about as absurd as it gets—especially in modern-day New York City. Want proof? Alvy offers up a wide assortment in Annie Hall: from his two ex-wives, both of whom he was presumably crazy about at some point, to his childhood obsession with the universe exploding.

Alvy doesn't really see the point in anything, including relationships. In the end, though, he believes that we require them. They may be arbitrary, impractical, and utterly absurd, but everybody needs somebody to love.

Questions about Philosophical Viewpoints: The Absurd

  1. How do the flashbacks we see with Alvy's ex-wives support his claim that love is absurd?
  2. In spite of their absurdity, the movie celebrates relationships. How?
  3. Annie Hall contains loads of fantastical elements and cinematic techniques like breaking the fourth wall, subtitles, and animation. How do they figure into the movie's idea of the absurd? Do they enhance it, detract from it, or both? Be specific, Shmooper.

Chew on This

Take a peek at these thesis statements. Agree or disagree?

Alvy's wrong: Love isn't absurd; his inability to welcome it is absurd.

According to Annie Hall, the only thing more absurd than love is refusing to look for it.