Annie Hall Contrasting Regions Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Annie Hall.

Quote #4

ANNIE: We're not having an affair. He's married. He just happens to think I'm neat.

ALVY: Neat? There's that—What are you, twelve years old? That's one of your Chippewa Falls expressions.

ANNIE: Who cares? Who cares?

ALVY: Next thing you know, he'll find you're keen and peachy, you know. Next thing you know, he's got his hand on your ass.

As the story progresses, Alvy's digs at Annie's Chippewa Falls background start getting a bit more pointed. They also contribute to Annie's fear that Alvy finds her intellect neither keen nor peachy.

Quote #5

ANNIE: It's so clean out here.

ALVY: That's because they don't throw their garbage away; they make it into television shows.

Alvy's chief complaint with Los Angeles—you know, aside from the fact that it's simply not New York—is that it's culturally bereft.

Quote #6

ALVY: Do you realize how immoral this all is?

ROB: Max, I've got a hit series.

ALVY: Yeah, I know, but you're adding fake laughs!

In Rob's defense, sitcoms without canned laughter are super-awkward. But for a stand-up comedian like Alvy, canned laughter goes against the principles of comedy.